Polling Location Analysis

About the tool

The Polling Location Analysis tool models a generic polling location as queueing system with constrained resources to determine key performance metrics. This tool simulates a three-step voter process: checking-in with a poll pad, ballot marking using a ballot marking device, and scanning the ballot using a scanner for each voter who enters the poling location. It considers predicted hourly turnout, machine counts at each station, and ballot marking service time to simulate the polling location. It does not simulate human poll workers as a resource or include layout considerations. The simulation runs forty repetitions of the polling location based on a random seed and outputs performance metrics for the simulated location.

Below are assumed distributions of each voting process:


Tool Inputs

Arrival Time Percentage of Arrival
7am - 8am
8am - 9am
9am - 10am
10am - 11am
11am - 12pm
12pm - 1pm
1pm - 2pm
2pm - 3pm
3pm - 4pm
4pm - 5pm
5pm - 6pm
6pm - 7pm


Average Wait Time 99.7 Percentile Maximum Wait Time Average Queue Length 99.7 Percentile Maximum Queue Length Last Voter Exit (hours since opening)
0 minutes 0 minutes 0 voters 0 voters 0:0 hours
Check-in Station Utilization Voting Station Utilization Scanner Station Utilization
0% 0% 0%