Election planning tools were developed by the Secure and Safe Elections Research team. The goal of these election tools is to utilize a simulation of a generic Georgia polling location to assess and optimize the allocation of resources. It has two components: a simulation of a polling location that can measure performance metrics and an optimization tool that can determine the number of resources needed at each location.
This tool calculates the key performance metrics of a polling location given hourly voter arrival rates.
Use ToolThis tool calculates the total number of machines needed at a polling location to satisfy a target maximum voter wait time.
Use ToolThe Safe and Secure Elections Project is a multidisciplinary effort of faculty and students from the H. Milton School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Computer Science, and Cybersecurity. The development of this site was supported in part by funds from the H. Milton School of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Presidential Undergraduate Research Award (PURA). The content is solely the responsibility of the research team and does not necessarily represent the official views of Georgia Tech.
The tools were coded by former undergraduate researcher Anjana Anandkumar with guidance and supervision from the Safe and Secure Elections team led in ISyE by Dr. Dima Nazzal and Dr. Beonit Montreuil at Georgia Tech. Please share any feedback or comments by e-mailing Dr. Dima Nazzal at dima.nazzal@gatech.edu